The roles and responsibilities of the audit committee include but are not limited to the following:
1.Review the financial statements periodically before submitting to the Board of Director, and submitting its opinions and recommendations in this regard to the Board of Directors and that´s to ensure transparency and fairness in the financial reports.
2.The audit committee shall submit its recommendations to the board regarding appointment and reappointment of external auditor, as well as determining and changing their fees. Taking into account when recommending, that independence is ensured and reviewing their engagement letter.
3.Monitoring the external auditor´s performance, to ensure that they are not providing services to group except for services required by the audit profession.
4. Studying the external auditor´s observations regarding the financial statements and following-up on its status.
5.Evaluate the adequacy of the internal control systems in the group and prepares a report including the opinion and recommendation of the committee in this regard.
6.Recommend the recruitment, shifting and termination the chief internal auditor, and evaluate his performance and the performance of the internal audit department.
7. Reviewing the results of internal audit reports, and ensures that the corrective procedures have been taken regarding the observations which are contained in the report.
8.Reviewing the proposed deals and transactions the group performs with related parties and provide the proper recommendations to the board.